Final Paper: The influence of management capacity on the innovative performance of companies
This study aims to investigate the influence of management capability on the innovative performance of the companies. To do so, ...

Dissertation: The institutional intervention as determinant of innovation: the naval industry and Offshore in Brazil
From the economic perspective, it is understood that while the society creates institutions spontaneously, based on the behavior of individuals, ...

Dissertation: The patterns of company: firm and organization
The industrial economy showed that economic agents, companies, are different from one another. Based on that, differences among companies under ...

Final Paper: Capabilities of innovation of companies of the brazilian microelectronic segment
The microelectronics has a key role in modern life, because enabled a spectacular growth of processing power, storage and miniaturization ...

Dissertation: The innovative capacity in the Brazilian cosmetic industry
Innovative capability is not a recent issue but still there is no consensus among researchers as to its definition. Some ...

Final Paper: Selection of investment portfolios through multiple factors: Markowitz, Sharpe and Beta Neutral
The investor’s growing interest in the stock market motivates the development of techniques and methods looking forward to maximizing profits ...

Dissertation: Routines, capabilities and innovation in the vitiviniculture industry in Rio Grande do Sul
Finding the reasons that make firms successful in a competitive environment are among the most common motivations in the business ...

Dissertation: Startup innovation capabilities: a study in Silicon Valley
Startups are created to commercially explore an ideia with innovative potential. To do so, they need a set of technical ...

Dissertation: Characteristics of the cooperation strategy in the supply chain of the automotive industry of Rio Grande do Sul
Cooperation agreements are a new type of industrial organization which have been largely used in the last decades. The cooperation ...

Dissertation: Transmission of prices between the ethanol and gasoline markets since the launch of flex-fuel cars in the Brazilian market
When two or more markets, previously separated, start showing a price convergence, it is possible to say that they are ...

Thesis: The technological-transactional nature and firm’s performance
A firm is a complex economic agent. This agent has been studied through different theories of the firm. While, some ...

Dissertation: Application of the activity-based costing method (ABC) in agribusiness: case of the production of greenhouse roses
Due to particularities in the primary sector, in respect to management, few studies have been conducted in the administrative field ...

Thesis: Analysis of the aggregation of cost and value by activities, in an agroindustrial chain: case of beef cattle
The central thematic of this thesis consists on the evaluation of which are the activities, within the production chain of ...

Thesis: Drivers for adoption of eco-innovation and enhancement of food companies’ environmental performance
Although the importance of innovation and sustainability for industries is evident, apparently in the food sector those concepts are being ...

Dissertation: Fair trade in Brazil and the commercialization of ecological cotton products
The final value of the goods in the twenty-first century does not always reflect the value of raw material, manpower ...

Dissertation: Structural determinants of the level of interaction between universities and companies
The university-industry interaction is one of the key tools to stimulate social and economic development of a country. On one ...

Dissertation: Protection and licensing of technologies in the University: the experience of UFRGS
The socioeconomic development requires technical and scientific development and consequently, innovations. As innovations only happen within companies, they need to ...

Final Paper: Social-environmental responsibility in small service companies
Environmental issues are a priority in the modern business world. Organizations of all types, both public and private sector are ...

Final Paper: The Master Production Plan in Lots Production Systems: a case study at the company Conexões Merkantil
The general objective of the study is to understand how the Master Production Plan is applied in lots production systems, ...