Núcleos de Estudos em Inovação

Resource-Based Vision

Resource-Based Vision

BARNEY, J. Strategic factor markets: expectations, luck, and business strategyManagement Science,  32, n. 10, p.1231-1241, 1986. BARNEY, Jay. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage.Journal of Management,  17, n. 1, p. 99-120, 1991. DIERICKX, I. ; COOL, K. Asset stock accumulation and sustainability of competitive advantage. Management Science, 35, n. 12, p. 1504-1511, 1989. GRANT R. The resource-based theory ofRead more about Resource-Based Vision[…]

University-Companies Integration

University-Companies Integration

CHESBROUGH, H.W.Open innovation: a new paradigm for understanding industrial innovation. In Chesbrough, HW, H Vanhaverbeke, W, J West.(eds), Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006. DAGNINO, R. A Relação Universidade-Empresa no Brasil e o Argumento da Hélice-Tripla. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 2, n.2, p.267-307, 2003. ETZKOWITZ, H. Innovation in Innovation: The triple Helix of University-Industry-GovernmentRead more about University-Companies Integration[…]



FRANCIS, D; BESSANT, J. Targeting innovation and implications for capability development. Technovation,  25, n. 3, p. 171-83, 2005. FAGERBERG, A, Jan b; VERSPAGEN , Bart A. Innovation studies—The emerging structure of a new scientific field.Research Policy,  38, p. 218–233, 2009. KNIGHT, K.E. A Descriptive model of intra-firm innovation process.Journal of Management,  40, n. 4, p. 478-96, 1967.Read more about Innovation[…]

Innovation Management

Innovation Management

DOSI, G. Technological paradigms and technological trajectories. Research Policy, 11, n.3, p.147-162, 1982. NELSON, R.R. Why Do Firms Differ, and How Does It Matter. Strategic Management Journal, 12, n. S2, p. 61-74, 1991. TEECE, D.J.; PISANO, G.; SHUEN, A. Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic ManagementStrategic Management Journal, 18, n.7., p. 509-533, 1997. TIDD, J. Innovation Management in Context: Enviroment, Organization and Performance. InternationalRead more about Innovation Management[…]

Transaction Costs

Transaction Costs

DEMSETZ, H. The cost of transacting.The Quarterly Journal of Economics,  82, n. 1, p. 33-53, 1968. WILLIAMSON, O. Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations. Journal of Law and Economics,  22, n. 2, p. 233-261, 1979. WILLIAMSON, O. The Economic Institutions of Capitalism. New York, Free Press. 1985, 450p. WILLIAMSON, O.E. The logic of economic organization. Journal of Law, EconomicsRead more about Transaction Costs[…]

Skills and Capabilities

Skills and Capabilities

EONARD-BARTON, D. Core capabilities and core rigidities: a paradox in managing new product development.Strategic Management Journal, v. 13, summer special issue,  111-125, 1992. PRAHALAD, C.; HAMEL, G. The core competence of the corporation. Harvard Business Review, 68, n. 3, p. 79-91, 1990. RICHARDSON, G. The organization of industry.Economic Journal, v. 82, n. 327, p. 883-896, 1972. SELZNICK,Read more about Skills and Capabilities[…]

Technological Capacity

Technological Capacity

BELL, M & PAVITT, K. The development of technological capabilities. In: Trade, technology and international competitiveness. 1. ed. Washington, DC, World Bank, 1995. LALL, S. Technological capabilities and industrialization. World Development,  20, n. 2 , p. 165 – 186, 1992. PATEL, P.; PAVITT, K. The technological competencies of the world’ s largest firms: complex and path-dependent, but not muchRead more about Technological Capacity[…]

Innovation Capacity

Innovation Capacity

GUAN, J.; MA, N. Innovative capability and export performance of Chinese firms. Technovation,  23, n. 9, 2003. p. 737-747. YAM, R; LO, W.; TANG, E; LAU; Analysis of sources of innovation, technological innovation capabilities, and performance: An empirical study of Hong Kong manufacturing industries, Research Policy, 40, n, 3, p.391-402, 2011.

Strategic Management

Strategic Management

AMIT, R.; SCHOEMAKER P. Strategic assets and organizational rent. Strategic Management Journal, 14, n.1, p. 33-46, 1993. BARNEY, J.; HESTERLY, W. Organizational economics: understanding the relationship between organizations and economic analysis. In Clegg, S.R., Hardy, C. and Nord, W.R. (eds), Handbook of Organization Studies. London: Sage, 115–147, 1999. 464p.