Dissertation: Characteristics of the cooperation strategy in the supply chain of the automotive industry of Rio Grande do Sul

Cooperation agreements are a new type of industrial organization which have been largely used in the last decades. The cooperation agreements strategy can be explained through the Transaction Costs Theory. In the automotive industry the cooperation agreements strategy is considered the most suitable, due to the production chain characteristics that demands an efficient supply and a greater competitive capacity. This dissertation aims at identifying the cooperative strategy characteristics of automotive supply chain of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The data analyses indicate that one quarter of these firms decided for the strategy cooperation. The data show that the usual types of agreements are the joint R&D and the consumer-supplier. The partners are foreign and Brazilian firms, as well as local universities. The majority of these agreements have resulted in benefits for local firms.

Author: Ruffoni, Janaina Passuello

Advisor: Zawislak, Paulo Antonio

Level: Master’s Degree

Published Study: http://hdl.handle.net/10183/12113