The final value of the goods in the twenty-first century does not always reflect the value of raw material, manpower and technology added in each step of the value chain. That is, the producer gets little and the buyer pays too much. Fair trade research focus on this work comes as an alternative to end the pay gap that exists in the supply chain. Fair trade is a trade association geared towards sustainable development, with focus on producers excluded or disadvantaged by offering better trading conditions. Within this context, there is agro ecological cotton supply chain, which differs from traditional by not using chemical inputs in the production process and due to its intensive manpower. Within the value chain investigated in this work, the cotton is produced in the states of Brazil‟s Northeast and Parana, and is sold to two organizations, Tênis and Rede Justa Trama. Both produce and sell the final products within the concepts of fair trade. Considering the expansion of fair trade worldwide and the incipient growth in developing countries, this work aims to answer the following question: What are the constraints and opportunities for the dissemination of Fair Trade in Brazil? To answer this question, a case study was performed, in which experts were consulted in fair trade organizations and representatives of the fair trade in Brazil. In addition, the final part of the cotton chain was analyzed, and the marketing of products by Justa Trama and Tênis. From the study, it was observed that there is a need for a systemic view of the chain, and that consumers have the power to choose what to buy and which organizations they will support. Regarding the dissemination of fair trade, it is believed that a wider diffusion of concepts with the support of society, business, university and government could help. Consumers want quality products. Thus, it is important that fair trade also invest in training and development of products. Marketing is done mainly through the internet. The similarities identified between Tênis and Justa Trama: balance between the planting and selling, customer profile, they are both brand and have a partnership with Europe, have key competencies for Green Supply Chain Management and value learning and dissemination of knowledge. With respect to the differences: its origins, the strategy of production and marketing of products. Tênis outsources production and only produces for export, while Justa Trama produces all inside its cooperatives. The significance of the certification is related to the organization of the sector. In fair trade, the rule is still earning money, but allowing a more equitable gain to all links in the chain. Other rule is to develop poor communities and provide opportunities for everyone to earn and have access to markets.
Author: Bossle, Marília Bonzanini
Advisor: Nascimento, Luis Felipe Machado do
Level: Master’s Degree
Published Study: