Marcia Dutra de Barcellos



Productivity Researcher of CNPq – PQ2. Is Adjunct Professor of Administrative Sciences Department of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, taking part at Administration School and Administration Post-Graduation Program (EA/PPGA/UFRGS). Participates of the Center for the Management of Technology and Innovation Research (NITEC) and of the Research Group in Innovation and Sustainability (GPS). Made Post-Doctorate at University of Aarhus, Denmark, with the MAPP – Centre for Research on Costumer Relations in the Food Sector in 2008. Contributes in international projects funded by European Union and coordinates projects funded by CNPq, FAPERGS and others public and private institutions (FIERGS, EMBRAPA) in the fields of innovation, sustainability and food marketing. Has Masters Degree and Doctorate Degree at Agribusiness by the Agribusiness Research and Study Center by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (CEPAN/UFRGS). Took part of her doctorate studies out abroad supported by CNPq and CAPES, being guest student of the Marketing and Consumer’s Behavior Group of the University of Wageningen, Netherlands, and guest student of the Meat Science Department of the University of New England, Australia. Was faculty member and researcher of Administration, Accounts and Economics Faculty (FACE) and Masters in Business and Administration (MAN) of the Pontifical Catholic University of RS (PUCRS). Published many articles in international and national journals of high impact, such as Journal of Marketing Management, Appetite, Meat Science, British Food Journal, Livestock Science, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Food Control, Brazilian Administration Review, and others.


Name: Marcia Dutra de Barcellos
Bibliographic Citation: BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de; Barcellos, Marcia D. de; de Barcellos, Marcia D.; de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra; de Barcellos, M.D.; Barcellos, Márcia Dutra de; DE BARCELLOS, M. DUTRA


Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Management School.

855 Washington Luiz Street | Centro

90010-460 – Porto Alegre, RS – Brasil

Phone: +55 51 33083536

URL of homepage:



BOSSLE, MARILIA BONZANINI ; DUTRA DE BARCELLOS, MARCIA ; Vieira, Luciana Marques ; SAUVÉE, LOÏC . The drivers for adoption of eco-innovation. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 113, p. 861-872, 2016.


Bossle, M. ; DE BARCELLOS, M. DUTRA ; VIEIRA, L. MARQUES . Eco-innovative food in Brazil: perceptions from producers and consumers. Agricultural and Food Economics, v. 3, p. 1-18, 2015.

Maurer, A.M. ; Figueiró, P.S. ; Campos, S. ; DA SILVA, V.S. ; de Barcellos, M.D. . ‘Yes, We Also Can’: O Desenvolvimento de Iniciativas de Consumo Colaborativo no Brasil. Base (São Leopoldo. Online), v. 12, p. 68-80, 2015.

BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de; BOSSLE, M. B. ; PERIN, M. G. ; VIEIRA, L. M. . Consumption of Eco-Innovative Food: How Values and Attitudes Drive Consumers? Purchase of Organics?. REMark. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, v. 14, p. 110-121, 2015.

Neutzling, D. ; Santos, M. ; de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; Land, A. L. . Value Creation from Internationalization of Sugar Cane by-products: a multi-stakeholder view of artisanal cachaça production. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios (São Paulo. Impresso), v. 17, p. 890-910, 2015.

BOSSLE, Marilia. B. ; PACHECO, N. A. ; MENEZES, U. ; BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de . Roupas com Apelo Ecoinovador: O País de Origem é Importante?. International Journal of Business & Marketing (IJBMKT), v. 1, p. 28-42, 2015.

Thogersen, J. ; Yanfeng, Z. ; de Barcellos, M.D. ; Perin, M.G. . Consumer buying motives and attitudes towards organic food in two emerging markets. International Marketing Review, v. 32, p. 389-413, 2015.


de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; TEIXEIRA, CAIO MASCARELLO ; VENTURINI, JONAS CARDONA . Personal values associated with political consumption: an exploratory study with university students in Brazil. International Journal of Consumer Studies (Print), v. 38, p. 207-216, 2014.

Hoppe, A. ; VIEIRA, L. MARQUES ; DE BARCELLOS, M. DUTRA ; OLIVEIRA, G. RODRIGUES . Research and development project of innovative food products from an inter-organizational relationship perspective. Journal on Chain and Network Science (Online), v. 14, p. 137-147, 2014.

Oliveira, G. ; Vieira, Luciana Marques ; de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; Hoppe, Alexia . Institutional Barriers for Food Innovation: A Study of the Brazilian Functional Food Industry. JOSCM. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, v. 7, p. 1-14, 2014.

Beher, A. ; Farias, E. ; Andriotti, F. ; Eggers, I. ; Simoes, R. ; de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra . A inovação pela diversificação: o caso da Estância Guatambu. Revista de Administração da UFSM, v. 7, p. 7-23, 2014.


VIEIRA, L. M. ; BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de ; Hoppe, A. ; Bittencourt, S. . An Analysis of Value in a Brazilian Supply Chain of Organic Products. British Food Journal (1966), v. 115, p. 1-20, 2013.

BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de ; GRUNERT, K. G. ; Yanfeng, Z. ; VERBEKE, W. ; Pérez-Cueto, Federico J.A. ; KRYSTALLIS, A. . Consumer attitudes to different pig production systems: a study from mainland China. Agriculture and Human Values, v. 30, p. 443-455, 2013.


Hoppe, A. ; VIEIRA, L. M. ; de Barcellos, M.D. . Consumer behaviour towards organic food in porto alegre: an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural (Impresso), v. 51, p. 69-90, 2013.

Verbeke, Wim ; Perez-Cueto, Federico J.A. ; de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; Grunert, Klaus G. . Pork in good company? Exploratory analysis of side dishes, beverages, foodscapes and individual characteristics. Meat Science, v. 95, p. 694-698, 2013.


Krystallis, Athanasios ; Grunert, Klaus G. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Perrea, Toula ; Verbeke, Wim . Consumer attitudes towards sustainability aspects of food production: Insights from three continents. MM. Journal of Marketing Management, v. 28, p. 334-372, 2012.


SORENSEN, B. T. ; Veflen-Olsen, N. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; VERBEKE, W. ; Scholderer, J. . Systems of attitudes towards production in the pork industry. A cross-national study. Appetite (London. Print), v. 59, p. 885-897, 2012.

Hoppe, Alexia ; Barcellos, Márcia Dutra de ; Vieira, Luciana Marques ; Matos, Celso Augusto de . Comportamento do consumidor de produtos orgânicos: uma aplicação da teoria do comportamento planejado. Base (São Leopoldo. Online), v. 9, p. 174-189, 2012.

Esbjerg, Lars ; Jensen, Birger Boutrup ; Bech-Larsen, Tino ; de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; Boztug, Yasemin ; Grunert, Klaus G. . An integrative conceptual framework for analyzing customer satisfaction with shopping trip experiences in grocery retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, v. 19, p. 445-456, 2012.


de Barcellos, M.D. ; Perin, M.G. ; P rez-Cueto, F.J.A ; Saab, M.S.M. ; Grunert, K.G. . Consumers’ values and attitudes and their relation to the consumption of pork products: a study from Q-PorkChains in Brazil. Journal on Chain and Network Science (Print), v. 12, p. 41-54, 2012.

KRUTER, G. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; DA SILVA, V.S. . As Atitudes dos Consumidores em Relacao ao Plastico Verde. Revista de Gestão Ambiental e Sustentabilidade, v. 1, p. 22-50, 2012.

Berto, D. ; CZYKIEL, R. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. . Treinamentos sobre Resíduos Sólidos de Serviços de Saúde (RSSS) em Hospitais de Porto Alegre/RS na Percepção de Profissionais Atuantes. Revista de Gestão em Sistemas de Saúde, v. 1, p. 41, 2012.


ESPARTEL, L. B. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Goularte, Juliana H. . O Mercado de Cachaça da Região Sul do Brasil: Um Estudo Exploratório. Revista Alcance (Online), v. 18, p. 219-236, 2011.

Resano, Helena ; Perez-Cueto, Federico J.A. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Veflen-Olsen, Nina ; Grunert, Klaus G. ; Verbeke, Wim . Consumer satisfaction with pork meat and derived products in five European countries?. Appetite (London. Print), v. 56, p. 167-170, 2011.


de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; Krystallis, Athanasios ; de Melo Saab, Maria Stela ; Kügler, Jens Oliver ; Grunert, Klaus G. . Investigating the gap between citizens’ sustainability attitudes and food purchasing behaviour: empirical evidence from Brazilian pork consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies (Print), v. 1, p. no-no, 2011.


Resano, H. ; Pérez-Cueto, F.J.A. ; Sanjuán, A.I. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Grunert, K.G. ; VERBEKE, W. . Consumer satisfaction with dry-cured ham in five European countries. Meat Science, v. 87, p. 336-343, 2011.


de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; de Melo Saab, Maria Stella ; Pérez-Cueto, Federico A. ; Perin, Marcelo Gattermann ; Neves, Marcos Fava ; Verbeke, Wim . Pork consumption in Brazil: challenges and opportunities for the Brazilian pork production chain. Journal on Chain and Network Science, v. 11, p. 99-113, 2011.


de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Lionello, R.L. . Consumer Market for Functional Foods in South Brazil. International Journal on Food System Dynamics, v. 2, p. 126-144, 2011.


Resano, H. ; VERBEKE, W. ; BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de ; GRUNERT, K. G. ; PEREZ-CUETO, A. . Obesity and overall satisfaction with pork meat and derived pork-based. Nutrición Hospitalaria, v. 25, p. 123-126, 2010.


Verbeke, Wim ; Pérez-Cueto, Federico J.A. ; Barcellos, Marcia D. de ; Krystallis, Athanasios ; Grunert, Klaus G. . European citizen and consumer attitudes and preferences regarding beef and pork. Meat Science, v. 84, p. 284-292, 2010.


Pérez-Cueto, Federico J.A. ; Verbeke, Wim ; de Barcellos, Marcia Dutra ; Kehagia, Olga ; Chryssochoidis, George ; Scholderer, Joachim ; Grunert, Klaus G. . Food-related lifestyles and their association to obesity in five European countries. Appetite (London. Print), v. 54, p. 156-162, 2010.


Van Wezemael, Lynn ; Verbeke, Wim ; Kügler, Jens O. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Grunert, Klaus G. . European consumers and beef safety: Perceptions, expectations and uncertainty reduction strategies. Food Control, v. 21, p. 835-844, 2010.


Verbeke, Wim ; Van Wezemael, Lynn ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Kügler, Jens O. ; Hocquette, Jean-François ; Ueland, ydis ; Grunert, Klaus G. . European beef consumers interest in a beef eating-quality guaranteeInsights from a qualitative study in four EU countries. Appetite (London. Print), v. 54, p. 289-296, 2010.


de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Kügler, Jens O. ; Grunert, Klaus G. ; Van Wezemael, Lynn ; Pérez-Cueto, Federico J.A. ; Ueland, ydis ; Verbeke, Wim . European consumers’ acceptance of beef processing technologies: A focus group study. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, v. 11, p. 100-120, 2010.


Van Wezemael, Lynn ; Verbeke, Wim ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Scholderer, Joachim ; Perez-Cueto, Federico . Consumer perceptions of beef healthiness: results from a qualitative study in four European countries. BMC Public Health (Online), v. 10, p. 342-353, 2010.


Perin, M.G. ; Sampaio, C.H. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. ; Kügler, Jens O. . The moderating effects of innovativeness on new product development ability. Produto & Produção (Impresso), v. 11, p. 19-28, 2010.

VIEIRA, L. M. ; AGUIAR, L. K. ; de Barcellos, Marcia D. . Understanding the Coordination Mechanism in a Fair Trade Fruit Supply Chain. JOSCM. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management, v. 3, p. 13-25, 2010.


BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de; AGUIAR, L. K.; FERREIRA, G. C.VIEIRA, L. M. Willingness to Try Innovative Food Products: a Comparison between British and Brazilian Consumers. BAR. Brazilian Administration Review, v. 6, p. 50-61, 2009.

KRYSTALLIS, A.; BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de; Kugler, J.; VERBEKE, W.; GRUNERT, K. G. Attitudes of European citizens towards pig production systems. Livestock Science (Print), v. 126, p. 46-56, 2009.


BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de; AGUIAR, L. K.; FERREIRA, G. C.VIEIRA, L. M. Novos produtos: Rejeição Automática?. Agroanalysis (FGV), v. 28, p. 06-06, 2008.

Patino, H-O.BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de; Velloso, F.F.; Cardona, J.C.A. Desafios e oportunidades das alianzas mercadologicas na cadeia produtiva da carne bovina. Revista Colombiana de Ciências Pecuárias, v. 21, p. 146-153, 2008.


VIEIRA, L. M.FERREIRA, G. C.; BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de. Papel da Rastreabilidade. Agroanalysis (FGV), v. 27, p. 06-06, 2007.

FERREIRA, G. C.BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. deVIEIRA, L. M. Rastreabilidade faz a Diferença. Agroanalysis (FGV), v. 27, p. 44-45, 2007.

VIEIRA, L. M.FERREIRA, G. C.BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de. Rastreabilidade Bovina. Agroanalysis (FGV), v. 27, p. 38-39, 2007.


FERREIRA, G. C.BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de. Vantagens e Desvantagens das Alianças Estratégicas: Uma Análise Sob a Ótica dos Agentes da Cadeia Produtiva de Carne Bovina. Organizações Rurais e Agroindustriais (UFLA), v. 8, p. 117-129, 2006.


FERREIRA, G. C.BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de. Alianças Estratégicas em Cadeias Agroindustriais: Estudo de Caso na Cadeia da Carne Bovina. Agroanalysis (FGV), v. 25, n.4, p. 1-16, 2005.


BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. de. Informação e Qualidade na Compra de Carne Bovina. Faces: Revista de Administração (Belo Horizonte. Impresso), Belo Horizonte, MG, v. 3, n.2, p. 43-59, 2004.


BARCELLOS, Marcia. D. deFERREIRA, G. C. Direito do Consumidor. Agroanalysis (FGV), Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, n.4, p. 27-30, 2003.