Núcleos de Estudos em Inovação

Check the pictures of the event: “From the ideia to the business: the startups from the Sillicon Valley’s perspective”

Check the pictures of the event: “From the ideia to the business: the startups from the Sillicon Valley’s perspective”

In the afternoon of September 14th, we promoted the event “From the ideia to the business: the startups from the Sillicon Valley’s perspective” with Andreia Dullius (master in Business Management at UFRGS and NITEC researcher) and the guests Andre Ghignatti (WOW Aceleradora),  Cristiano Englert (Grow+), Kenner Grings (Devorando), Paulo Beck (Grow+). Check the pictures of the NITEC’sRead more about Check the pictures of the event: “From the ideia to the business: the startups from the Sillicon Valley’s perspective”[…]

Publication in the Journal of Business Research: “Exploring innovation success recipes in low- technology Firms using fuzzy-set QCA”

Publication in the Journal of Business Research: “Exploring innovation success recipes in low- technology Firms using fuzzy-set QCA”

We congratulate the professors Fernanda Reichert and Paulo Antônio Zawislak in partnership with the Australian Innovation Research Centre of the University of Tasmania professors, Nuttaneeya (Ann) Torugsa and Anthony Arundel, for publishing the article “Exploring innovation success recipes in low- technology Firms using fuzzy-set QCA” in the Journal of Business Research!