Núcleos de Estudos em Inovação

The Evolution of Innovation Capabilities in Industrial Business

The Evolution of Innovation Capabilities in Industrial Business

The project aims to reapply the model of innovation capabilities in the sample of companies available in the bank data from the project “Paths of innovation in the brazilian indutry” and to evaluate the evolution of its innovation capacities over the last four years (2014-2018) . In this way, it will be possible not onlyRead more about The Evolution of Innovation Capabilities in Industrial Business[…]

Bonito: ecology and socio economy of Katsuwonus Pelamis fishing in the Rio de Janeiro coast for stock assessment, sustainable management and use in school feeding

Bonito: ecology and socio economy of Katsuwonus Pelamis fishing in the Rio de Janeiro coast for stock assessment, sustainable management and use in school feeding

The project is a partnership between the institutions  FURG, UFRJ, UFRGS, UNICAMP, UFF and FIPERJ, funded by FUNBIO. It is divided in three steps: (i) Marine and Offshore Environments’ Ecological Characteristics, (ii) Identification and Analysis of Fish Populations, (iii) Social Economy of the Fishing Process. NITEC works on the third step of the project (SocialRead more about Bonito: ecology and socio economy of Katsuwonus Pelamis fishing in the Rio de Janeiro coast for stock assessment, sustainable management and use in school feeding[…]