Dissertation: The innovative capacity in the Brazilian cosmetic industry

Innovative capability is not a recent issue but still there is no consensus among researchers as to its definition. Some studies, such as Rush, Bessant and Hobday (2007) and Cetindamar et al. (2009), have proposed models for evaluation of innovative capability as a result of the technological learning process. According to this approach, being innovative capable means to acquire information, turn into new knowledge, promote technological changes and get new products. Following this view, the aim of this study was to establish a model that would be able to analyze the innovative capability through the absorptive capacity and technological capability by including a economic variable, the innovative performance of the firms. This was accomplished through a survey conducted among 491 Brazilian companies in the cosmetics industry. In 202, as a result, it was obtained a large number of companies that launch cosmetics from the contained knowledge in their own supply chain. Thus, customers and suppliers have an important role in product development. The technological changes in this industry are focused on improvements, which gives a less degree of novelty in products. Through the cluster analysis, it was possible to identify a cluster with the highest innovative performance. This cluster differs in its practices with respect to the large group of companies.

Author: Barbieux, Denise

Advisor: Zawislak, Paulo Antonio

Level: Master’s Degree

Published Study: http://hdl.handle.net/10183/31772