When two or more markets, previously separated, start showing a price convergence, it is possible to say that they are integrated. Usually, the researchers have focused the integration study between external and internal market (spatial integration) or between the different links of a productive chain (vertical integration), but just of an unique product. After an important technological change, materialized in the releasing of flex-fuel motors in Brazil, this work had as a challenge analyze the existence of the integration between the gasoline and ethanol markets, referred as “integration of substitution markets”. Therefore, after filtering the prices series through stationary tests (Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron), it was made the use of price transmission models, specifically the cointegration tests, and the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) and the causality. In the analyzed period (from March 2003 to July 2008), it was verified the existence of cointegration between the two markets. Also it was observed that an increase of 1% in the gasoline price is responsible for the increase in 2.74% of the ethanol price. Although it was small the parameter of the correction mechanism in the obtained error, it points out that is possible to relate the behavior in the short and long term, in the analyzed series. Taking in consideration the obtained results, we arrived to the conclusion that the ethanol and gasoline markets are integrated in the long term, where variations in the gasoline price cause variations in the ethanol market.
Author: Tello Gamarra, Jorge Estuardo
Advisor: Waquil, Paulo Dabdab
Level: Master’s Degree
Published Study: http://hdl.handle.net/10183/17414